In today's rapidly evolving advertising landscape, standing out as a commercial photographer is more challenging yet more crucial than ever. With countless creatives vying for the spotlight, ensuring your work is visible on the best platforms for photographers can set you apart from the crowd. Displaying your work on credible platforms can be a game-changer when attracting prospective clients or collaborators. It is important that others see your work, understand your creative vision, and get redirected to your portfolio.
People scouting photographers and other creative talent flock to such platforms. So why not be there when they come?
Below we highlight 5 of the best platforms on which photographers can establish a presence and get noticed!
We believe that creative directories should be easy to use for those platforming their work and those scouting talent. An experience that is anything but seamless can lead to immediate disinterest. Categories should be clearly defined, and all information up-to-date. Portfolios and contact information should be easily accessible to all.
In addition, all credible platforms maintain a high standard of creative work. Such a standard tells art buyers and creative directors that they will find only photographers of the highest quality on their platform.
Here is our pick for the top 5 best platforms on which photographers should display their work (in no particular order):

Average Monthly Visits: 55-60k
Social Media Following: 53.3k
Good for: Photographers, Illustrators, CGI Artists
Workbook is a great place to list your services as a photographer, illustrator, or CGI artist. Their directory is easily searchable for anyone looking to hire creative talent or draw inspiration from it. Member portfolios are also easily viewable. Their artists can feature their work in either of their two Workbooks published yearly – one for photography and one for illustration. Workbook's high-quality print publications are distributed to top art buyers and creatives, giving members a physical presence in the industry.
Found Artists

Average Monthly Visits: 10-15k
Social Media Following: 18.1k
Good for: Photographers
Found Artists is a good platform to have your portfolio readily available to view. Their photographers can feature their work in their monthly albums. They also host portfolio reviews for their members, providing a face-to-face discussion of their work with industry leaders. Found Artists often feature emerging photographers, making it a great platform for those looking to break into the industry.
At Edge

Average Monthly Visits: 20-25k
Social Media Following: 20.5k
Good for: Photographers and Directors
Membership plans at At-Edge can be customized according to the needs of individual photographers or directors. Every three months, a printed book featuring the work of their photographers is published and delivered directly to art buyers. They also host member-only events that connect their network of creatives to industry leaders. At Edge provides a robust online portfolio presence, ensuring that photographers get both digital and print exposure.
Wonderful Machine

Average Monthly Visits: 35-40k
Social Media Following: 23.1k
Good for: Photographers
Wonderful Machine is a great resource for industry leaders to scout photographers, source stock materials, and produce photo and video shoots. Their directory allows their photographers direct access to their client list. They also house various marketing, editing, and PR professionals to assist those outside their network with branding, marketing, etc. Wonderful Machine also offers consultation services to help photographers optimize their branding and market positioning.
Production Paradise

Average Monthly Visits: 85-90k
Social Media Following: 138k
Good for: All creative talents & services for the photo and film commercial industry
Production Paradise was created more than 20 years ago and was the very first online creative resource for the visual media industry. It has an extensive directory where the finest photographers, filmmakers, and creative professionals from around the world list their services. Additionally, members have the chance to feature their work in one or both of the platform's digital magazines Spotlights & Showcases. Issues are published weekly and sent directly to a 300k+ subscriber network in some of the biggest agencies, brands and magazines worldwide. Production Paradise also hosts yearly portfolio reviews in Europe.
I always find it hard to say exactly where work comes from but it’s really about people just becoming familiar with you. When a job comes in they will think oh… there's that guy. They might not know exactly why they know your work but if you have created a feeling that they know you then you are on the right track.
Scott Grummett, Food Photographer, London
Choosing the best platforms for photographers to showcase their work is essential for increasing visibility and attracting high-profile clients. By leveraging platforms like Production Paradise, Workbook, Found Artists, At Edge, and Wonderful Machine, commercial photographers can significantly boost their online presence. Don't let your talent go unnoticed. Get out there, be seen, and let your creativity shine!
Notable mentions:
"All data provided was collected through Similarweb, and reflects the time period of January 2024 - February 2024."